Saturday, February 7, 2009


GPS TRACKING DEVICE. Tired of losing your target in traffic? Stop risking life and limb and lawsuits on trying to follow a vehicle. It only takes 3 seconds to magnetic mount our units. No wiring, no antennas, no confusion. Instant Internet locations and past history trails. Know where your target is every minute of the day. Big money made and saved with our units. 1/2 the cost of similar units. Nextel coverage required in your area for GPS Tracking. Designed and used by Private Investigators and Bounty Hunters. Find out what your spouse, mate, children, or employees are doing and where they are going with the click of a button. Want to know where your ex takes the kids on his night out?

Courtsey -


  1. GPS is now latest technology. Everyone is using this. From Army to common people and I am sure in coming days use of this technology will touch new dimension.

  2. Technology wants to cover everyone and these kind of devices are helping them to do that.

    But however I am afraid from these kind of technology as this can be dangerous.

  3. GPS is the latest technology and almost everywhere this is using rite now. You can see them in cars, mobile and separate GPS hardware as well.

    If you are travelling at new place than this device will work like as guide to you.

  4. These kind of device are really useful for the army operation but now however GPS also using by people for their own purpose and benefit.

    Technology is moving very fast.
